Geographical information systems (GIS) and geomatics services for the energy sector
Decisions that affect the exploration and development, the safety of personnel, operational activities and the natural environment, are often dependent on having complete, correct, consistent and current information of the operating locations and area of interest. Geomatics is the combined discipline of survey and positioning and geospatial data management, providing accurate spatial information and mapping support across the asset life cycle.
Our expertise
RPS' geomatics team consists of geospatial specialists, remote sensing analysts, surveyors, geodesists and programmers with over 25 years of industry experience.
We are committed to using our experience and expertise to provide our clients with the best possible solutions and specialised project support. We use emerging and existing technologies, along with software from industry leaders like ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute), ERDAS (Earth Resources Data Analysis System) and Autodesk combined with tailored products utilising open-source material and in-house development.
Services include:
- Geodetic and positioning auditing and QC
- Spatial data management and data integration
- Format conversions and data reprocessing
- Survey design, planning and QC
- Onshore and offshore operations support
- Unmanned aerial systems
- AUV/ASV/MASS/USV project support
- GIS and geodetic training
- GIS support
- Geospatial analysis
- 3D Visualisation and modelling
- Remote sensing data
- Cartography
- Route planning and satellite asset tracking
- Web map services and software development
- Explosive remnants of war (ERW) support services
- Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions
Geospatial data auditing and QC
We establish and maintain the spatial integrity of geospatial data through thorough checks on all (exploration and production) E&P data and software. Auditing of spatial data can be carried out on a regional, asset and individual project level. Format conversions, datum transformations, re-projections and navigation re-processing can also be carried out on any common industry formatted data.
Spatial data management and data integration
We specialise in the handling of large volumes of varied format spatial data acquired and inherited right through the life cycle of a project. We can advise and implement data conversion and consolidation, metadata creation and establish interoperability between industry-standard formats, software and workflows.
Survey design, planning and quality control
We provide extensive field scouting, survey design and planning services, SIMOPS and survey project management, QA/QC tasks and project auditing options tailored for all types of onshore and offshore operations worldwide.
Geospatial analysis
We deliver detailed 3D analysis of geospatial data from multiple sources and data formats. Our experience in advanced analytical techniques including heat mapping, proximity detection and spatial analysis allows for improved decision making and project planning.
GIS and Geodetics Training
RPS offers extensive training courses for the oil and gas industry on any area of geomatics within the E&P lifecycle. Courses include:
- An introduction to GIS
- Geodesy and positioning
- In-depth navigation processing
- Advanced GIS applications
We can tailor the content of a course to focus on a region or specific requirements. The location and duration of the course also be talored to suit.
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