Retrofitting for net zero
Improving the energy efficiency of our existing building stock is a crucial step on our path to net zero carbon. Costs, policy uncertainty, and the challenge of delivering at scale and pace are just some of the barriers to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The volume, type, age, and current efficiency of buildings demand a huge retrofit operation if we are to meet net zero carbon targets.
Why retrofit?
Buildings are responsible for 39% of global energy related carbon emissions. 11% of these emissions come from embodied carbon, emissions from materials and construction, and 28% come from operational carbon, the building energy consumption when in use.
To meet net zero carbon targets, it’s vital that the construction industry transform their assets into energy-efficient and low-carbon buildings. Future-proofing buildings at an affordable cost is a monumental challenge for contractors and developers when confronted with the logistical complexity of upgrades, retrofitting and refurbishment.
Retrofitting existing assets with modern heating, cooling and electrical systems presents a major opportunity to reduce our carbon emissions.
Project management: The key to retrofit success
Successful retrofitting requires a careful balance between the different elements being fitted, their effect on the overall performance of the building and each other. A robust project management strategy defined at the outset of a project will ensure retrofit goals are delivered on time and within budget. Guided by the project manager or retrofit coordinator, we’ll steer you through project conception, planning, implementation and completion.

Delivering net zero carbon in social housing
Housing accounts for around a fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. On the path to net zero, the housing sector is facing obstacles of fire safety regulations, uncertainty over funding and the overarching housing crisis. We explore how housing associations can tackle these challenges before time runs out.

Four steps to identify the right carbon calculation methodology
Long-term planning for net zero carbon needs to be adaptable and adoptable. Understanding carbon savings will help to prioritise retrofit or development works based on a cost-benefit analysis. Working in partnership, we help clients to measure and interpret the data in order to recommend the most effective route to achieve net zero.

Stick or twist: To retrofit or build new?
When streamlining building energy efficiency, it's important to consider the investment and lifetime cost of either retrofitting or rebuilding. Every case is different. But it's clear that businesses need to be focusing on reducing their embodied carbon emissions. How do you choose the right strategy for your development?

Decarbonising social housing stock
The social housing sector must realign its goals to reach crucial energy reduction targets. A combination of deep retrofit for existing housing and raising the energy efficiency standard of all new builds will be required to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. So how do you prioritise investment?

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