2022: RPS engaged to lead stakeholder engagement and creative design for BlueFloat Energy’s Australian projects
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Energy transition
Located in Bass Strait, the proposed Gippsland Dawn Offshore Wind Project, developed by BlueFloat Energy, will support the Australian government’s net zero emissions target for 2050. The wind farm, featuring up to 140 wind turbines, is expected to power more than one million homes with a capacity of up to 2.1GW of electricity.
Gippsland Dawn is one of Australia's first proposed offshore wind developments, located in the country’s first declared area for this industry. The emerging offshore wind industry in Australia faces several key challenges including addressing stakeholder concerns, meeting strict environmental and regulatory requirements under the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (OEI) Act, and building community support. To navigate these hurdles, BlueFloat Energy will need to involve stakeholders early in the process, produce necessary documents for environmental and regulatory approvals, and ensure compliance with national and state planning standards. Establishing a strong, trusted project brand will also be key in setting an example for Australia’s emerging offshore wind sector
Before construction can begin, Gippsland Dawn must complete a thorough environmental and project approvals process, ensuring potential project impacts are minimised and regulatory approval is secured.
RPS was engaged to address the challenges in this groundbreaking project through a multi-disciplinary approach. This partnership is a step towards transforming Australia’s energy system and securing thousands of jobs for Gippsland – and is set to be a real gamechanger in the energy sector.
To support the development of the Gippsland Dawn Offshore Wind Project, RPS drew on several of our specialists, covering different disciplines which included:
Community and stakeholder engagement: RPS developed and implemented a comprehensive communications and stakeholder engagement strategy, ensuring ongoing dialogue with local communities and addressing their concerns regarding the transition to renewable energy. This built trust and strengthened community support. RPS is continuing to support this project with updated community and stakeholder engagement initiatives.
Creative design and branding: RPS created the Gippsland Dawn brand identity, including the project name, logo, visual materials, website, and promotional videos to enhance outreach and visibility. RPS continues to provide comprehensive support for graphic design and creative needs.
Regulatory and environmental support: RPS’ Marine Science and Approvals team is developing the initial management plan for the deployment of a floating LiDAR buoy under the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act (OEI Act), and conducting environmental assessments including preparing a self-assessment report under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC). RPS will also draft a management plan revision for the geotechnical investigation for approval by the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator (OIR).
Technical support: RPS is providing technical report input to Tetra Tech Coffey, our sister organisation and the lead consultant for Commonwealth, state, and local environmental and planning approvals.
As the project has evolved, RPS has expanded our services, ensuring that Gippsland Dawn continues to meet statutory and regulatory obligations while maintaining a positive relationship with stakeholders and the broader community.
In mid-2024, BlueFloat Energy secured a feasibility license for Gippsland Dawn, a key milestone enabling the project to advance. RPS’ strategic engagement and creative efforts have built a strong community presence for Gippsland Dawn, increasing public awareness and trust. Furthermore, RPS’ regulatory and environmental work ensured the project complies with Australia’s strict offshore energy regulations, positioning it for future success as one of the country’s first large-scale offshore wind farms.
In late 2024, RPS won a competitive tender to deploy floating LiDAR technology to collect critical metocean data over approximately a 12-month period, with the deployment expected to begin in 2025, to assess the project’s power generation potential.
2022 -
Project timeline
2.1 GW
Offshore wind farm
1 M+
Homes to be powered
Associate Director - Communications and Engagement
LiDAR Survey Manager