Acrylamide analysis
Acrylamide is a chemical which is produced naturally as a result of cooking starch rich foods at high temperatures - including baking, frying, grilling and roasting. Acrylamide has been detected in home-cooked, packaged and processed foods. The levels in foods can vary widely depending on the manufacturing process, cooking time and cooking temperature. Additionally, Asparagine, which is a major amino acid in potatoes and cereals, has also been shown to have a far greater tendency to interact with sugars to produce acrylamide than other amino acids.
Acrylamide legislation
Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 took effect in April 2018. This established best practice, mitigation measures and benchmark levels for the reduction of the presence of acrylamide in food.
All food business operators (FBOs) are required to put in place simple practical steps to manage acrylamide within their food safety management systems. This is to ensure that acrylamide levels are as low as reasonably achievable in their food.
We work closely with our clients to provide analytical solutions specifically tailored to their needs both technically and on turnaround. RPS provides UKAS accredited analysis for food stuffs down to 10ug/kg.
Major food sources of acrylamide
- French Fries
- Grains
- Potato Chips
- Canned Black
- Olives
- Crackers
- Prune Juice
- Bread / Toast
- Coffee
- Cookies
- Baby Food
- Breakfast Cereals
- Pastry
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