Cardwell foreshore redevelopment
RPS landscape architects have contributed their expertise to a $9 million redevelopment of Cardwell’s foreshore.
The coastal township of Cardwell was devasted by Tropical Cyclone Yasi in 2011, and its foreshore required significant redevelopment and revitalisation. The new design needed to provide a greater degree of protection against inundation and erosion, as well as offer a sense of strength and self-determination to a community trying to get back on its feet.
RPS was responsible for detailed landscape design, construction documentation, and an art/interpretive strategy for the 5km stretch of foreshore adjacent to protected marine habitat in North Queensland.
The new design incorporated a robust foreshore edge to protect against storm surge, and a rock wall to protect and stabilise the adjacent road, Council assets, and historic Calophyllum trees. The design allowed for the re-use and reintegration of site soils, and protection of significant existing vegetation.
RPS’ landscape architecture team worked closely with the region’s Traditional Owners, the Girrimay People, and local artists to develop a series of integrated interpretive elements for the project. The result is a foreshore journey that includes sandblasted images, interpretive signage, a bush tucker trail, and sculptures. The plant palette focused on the use of endemic species for their suitability to the tough coastal environment, connection with local habitat areas, and cultural heritage.
Image credits: Andrew Watson