Paul Miziewicz, Principal Planner
With a wealth of experience working on public sector projects, Paul Miziewicz oversees a team of planners working on one of Melbourne’s most anticipated rail transport projects—the Melbourne Airport Rail Project. Here, Paul shares what he thinks it will take to turn Melbourne into a truly global city, the local band he’s keen on at the moment, and his dreams of leaving a lasting mark on the city of Melbourne.
Q What does a day in the life of Paul look like?
I’m a Principal Planner in RPS’ Place and Environment team, responsible for leading a lot of statutory approval applications for major infrastructure projects, particularly in the rail sector.
I also do quite a bit of work with RPS’ Communications and Engagement team with getting approvals across the line, because they generate vital data we require to formulate our cases. I also coordinate a team of planners, provide technical advice, and prepare approval documents – my days are quite busy!
Q Give us the elevator pitch for the project you’re working on at the moment
I’m currently working on Melbourne Airport Rail, which is a key part of Melbourne’s current infrastructure push. It’s been in the works for a long time now, but once it’s fully realised it’ll really take Melbourne to the next level as a global city.
Once people can fly into Melbourne Airport and get directly into the city or connect to regional Victoria by train, that’ll be an absolute game-changer. It’s a great outcome for the city, and it will help Melbourne compete on the world stage.
Q Is there a particular project you’ve worked on that stands out in your mind?
When I worked at Darebin Council I was part of the Reservoir Station redevelopment, which recently won some fairly high-profile architecture awards, so I’m pretty proud to have been involved in that one.
Q In your opinion, what’s the best thing going on in Victorian infrastructure right now?
The ‘Big Build’ being pursued by the State Government has a lot of once-in-a-generation infrastructure projects, you almost couldn’t count them all on two hands.
Suburban Rail Loop, the North East Link, Melbourne Airport Rail, you name it - the next ten years are going to be so transformative for the city. It’s a huge opportunity that’ll completely change the way Melbourne grows and operates.
Quick Q&A
1. Favourite place to spend time?
The Royal Exhibition Building or Carlton Gardens with the young ones.
2. Local music pick?
I really like Dorsal Fins. I can’t wait to see them live again.
3. Top coffee spot?
There’s a spot near our offices called Traveller which is pretty good!
4. Footy supporter?
Essendon all the way.
Q What makes for a dream project in your mind?
I’ve always wanted to be a part of transformative, city-shaping projects - the large-scale initiatives that stand the test of time and leave a mark on the city. So being a part of the Melbourne Airport Rail project means I’m living the dream!
Q What advice would you give to a younger Paul when he was just starting out in consulting?
Give it a go! Be curious in terms of how you approach problems, and that it’s ok to be afraid of failing but don’t worry if you do.
Q Why are you proudly Victorian?
I was born and raised here, so it’s where I’ve spent my whole life. Without boiling it down to coffee and football, we’ve got a really strong and unique cultural presence, and it truly offers something for everyone. Whether it’s a comedy festival, a footy game or our café culture, there’s really a lot to love about living here.
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