The Atmospheric Dispersion Model System, AIRMAP is an atmospheric dispersion model designed to predict the trajectory and fate of a wide variety of chemical substances and biological agents in the atmosphere.
- Integrated GIS
- Moving or fixed source
- Hazard Quotient and Time Weighted
Average (TWA Calculations) - Environmental, Chemical and MSDS
Databases - Airmap Simulates:
- Moving or stationery sources
- Time-varying source fluxes
- Release over land or water
- Transport and dispersion materials in
the atmosphere - Evaporation and volatilization
- Natural degradation

Applications for AIRMAP
- Hindcast/forecast of release into atmosphere
- Evaluate human health risk
- Contingency and response planning
(e.g. for security related to accidental
or intentional releases) - Evaluation of discharges from fixed or
moving point sources - Drills and education
- Contains RPS’ own GIS or can
be used in other GIS software such as
- Easily interpreted visual display of
temporally and spatially varying concentrations,
not just contour plots - 3D Viewer capabilities
- Plot concentration with time for any
point in the domain or maximum concentration
as a function of time - MSDS database linked to the physical-
chemical database - Extensive chemical database providing
physical chemical data
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