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Technical services and consulting solutions for clients in the property, energy, transport, water, resources, defence and government sectors.

Advisory and management consulting

RPS advisory and management consulting services for businesses and projects, including economics, due diligence, transaction advisory, ESG and more.

Communications, creative and digital

Communications, creative and digital solutions for governments and businesses including community engagement, design, research, data and software development.


Scientific analysis services for AgroScience, food safety, workplace exposure, environmental analysis and contaminants of concern in Europe and the UK.

Planning and approvals

Development strategy, planning and approval solutions for buildings, infrastructure, transport and city projects and investments.

Project and program management

Project management solutions for the most complex building, infrastructure, organisational change, and systems projects.


Specialist training services, programs and accreditation for health, safety and risk, project management, and energy sector capability development.


World-leading technical and consulting solutions for clients in the property, energy, transport, resources, water, defence and government sectors.


Design, technical and advisory services for the property sector, including residential, commercial, retail, industrial, health, education and data centre projects.


Energy exploration, development and optimisation solutions for renewables, power and gas networks, energy storage, oil and gas and nuclear facilties.


Smart, safe and sustainable transport infrastructure development services and advice for rail, aviation, port and road clients and projects.

Defence and government services

Expertise for defence capability and infrastructure investments, security and safety projects, and information and telecommunications initatives.


Discover our industry-leading strategy, design and management solutions for wastewater, groundwater, flooding, drainage and network infrastructure.


Commercial data, design advice and technical management solutions for safe and environmentally responsible resource exploration and operations.

About us



Technical services and consulting solutions for clients in the property, energy, transport, water, resources, defence and government sectors.

explore Services
Advisory and management consulting by RPS

RPS advisory and management consulting services for businesses and projects, including economics, due diligence, transaction advisory, ESG and more.

Due diligence


Strategy and transformation

Commercial advisory

Transaction advisory

Project investment and finance

ESG consulting

Deal advisory

Explore Advisory and management consulting
Communications, creative and digital

Communications, creative and digital solutions for governments and businesses including community engagement, design, research, data and software development.

Communications and engagement

Creative, visualisation and immersive design

Social advisory and research

Data management, analytics and insights

Spatial intelligence and GIS

Software development

Explore Communications, creative and digital
Design and development

Technical and consulting services for buildings, infrastructure and cities including architecture, engineering, surveying, landscape architecture and urban design.


Lifts and escalators

Building services engineering

Civil engineering

Fire engineering

Geotechnical engineering

Landscape architecture

Structural engineering


Utility options and design

Urban design

Explore Design and development

Scientific analysis services for AgroScience, food safety, workplace exposure, environmental analysis and contaminants of concern in Europe and the UK.

AgroScience analysis

Food safety analysis

PFAS Analysis

Environmental analysis

Analysis of unknowns

Workplace exposure analysis

Explore Laboratories
Planning and approvals

Development strategy, planning and approval solutions for buildings, infrastructure, transport and city projects and investments.

Planning consultancy

Transport planning

Explore Planning and approvals
Project and program management

Project management solutions for the most complex building, infrastructure, organisational change, and systems projects.

Program management

Project management

Cost management / quantity surveying

Building consultancy

Explore Project and program management

Specialist training services, programs and accreditation for health, safety and risk, project management, and energy sector capability development.

Health, safety and risk

Training: project management

Capability development and training for the energy sector

Explore Training


World-leading technical and consulting solutions for clients in the property, energy, transport, resources, water, defence and government sectors.

explore Sectors

Design, technical and advisory services for the property sector, including residential, commercial, retail, industrial, health, education and data centre projects.


Commercial and retail

Leisure and tourism


Health and healthcare


Data centres

Explore Property

Energy exploration, development and optimisation solutions for renewables, power and gas networks, energy storage, oil and gas and nuclear facilties.

Oil and gas


Nuclear facilities

Power and gas networks


Explore Energy

Smart, safe and sustainable transport infrastructure development services and advice for rail, aviation, port and road clients and projects.





Explore Transport
Defence and government services

Expertise for defence capability and infrastructure investments, security and safety projects, and information and telecommunications initatives.


Security and safety

Information and telecommunications

Explore Defence and government services

Discover our industry-leading strategy, design and management solutions for wastewater, groundwater, flooding, drainage and network infrastructure.

Water management


Flooding and drainage


UK and Ireland regulated water asset management

Water for Australians

Explore Water

Commercial data, design advice and technical management solutions for safe and environmentally responsible resource exploration and operations.



Explore Resources


We define, design and manage projects that create shared value to a complex, urbanising and resource-scarce world.

explore Projects

Brilliant minds finding solutions to complex problems, made easy to understand. Making complex easy.

Brilliant minds finding solutions to complex problems, made easy to understand. Making complex easy.

explore Insights
Store Road 2.jpg

Store Road, Newham

On behalf of The Hyde Group, we secured planning consent for 163 residential units of mixed tenure in buildings of up to 15 storeys in height.

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Project name

Store Road



The Hyde Group


London Borough of Newham


Services provided

- Planning consultancy

- Archaeology


Although the site was allocated for residential development within the emerging Local Plan, its existing designation as protected employment land was addressed at the outset with officers to ensure their support for an application prior to adoption of the emerging Local Plan.

The site was situated between two large development plots – a site to the west which is allocated for mixed use development within the emerging GLA’s Royal Dock and Beckton Waterfront Opportunity Area Planning Framework, and a site to the east which is allocated by Newham for further residential development.

There were a number of design challenges which we worked diligently on with Newham and the GLA to resolve. This included restrictive tall buildings policies, the site’s location within an isolated context and a limit on heights due to the neighbouring London City Airport.


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As part of the designation assessment, we submitted representations to the Local Plan to ensure the policy framework was in place to deliver both residential uses and tall buildings on the site. This included attending and speaking at the Local Plan Examination to ensure a favourable site allocation. This process overlapped with the pre-application stage and to secure a robust site allocation prior to determination of the application.

As the two neighbouring sites had no emerging development proposals, the project team had to devise a potential masterplan for the wider area and demonstrate how our development could operate both on its own whilst not prejudicing future development proposals.

Due to the complexities with the design development and adjoining development parcels, we worked closely with the architect and townscape advisor to produce a ‘vision’ document for the potential masterplan areas to the west and east of the site. This was used as a ‘sales’ document to promote a step change within the area as part of presentations to the Council and GLA. This helped to promote the aspirations for both the site and wider area to meet the client’s requirements within the contract to deliver a tall building.

A financial viability assessment was undertaken, and the scheme secured 44% affordable housing.  The viability assessment was the subject of robust interrogation by the Council and GLA, including detailed discussions around the use of review mechanisms to be secured within the s106.



Residential units


Storeys in height

44 %

Affordable housing

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