Parc Busnes Porth Cymru
Part of a long-term plan for investment to create a major business destination at Cardiff Airport, this project involves proposals for a 44.79ha Class B1/B2/B8 Business Park, car parking, landscaping, drainage infrastructure, biodiversity provision and ancillary works.
The scheme is intended to complement the existing and proposed offering of both Cardiff and the Capital Region whilst also benefiting Barry and the rest of the Vale of Glamorgan.
Located immediately to the east of the Airport and south of Port Road, this strategic employment site will draw benefits from its designation as an Enterprise Zone as well as its proximity to the motorway network. Development of the site will encourage inward investment and consolidate the role of the Vale of Glamorgan within the Capital Region. The development will complement the Welsh Governments Aerospace Business Park at St. Athan. The land has the potential to fulfil the characteristics of a strategic employment site capable of accommodating the next generation of business environment. It will also deliver a significant extension to Porthkerry Country Park (approximately 47 hectares) to the south, a well-used regional tourist attraction.
Key details
Project name
Parc Busnes Porth Cymru
Legal and General
Rhoose, Vale of Glamorgan
Services provided
- Masterplanning and urban design
- Landscape architecture and green infrastructure
- Arboriculture
- Ecology
- Transport
- Flooding
- Planning
- Archaeology
- Ground investigation
- Public consultation
The challenge and vision for the site was based upon a long term plan for investment to create a major business destination at Cardiff Airport to complement the existing and proposed offering of both Cardiff and the Capital Region whilst also benefiting Barry and the rest of the Vale of Glamorgan. The location immediately to the east of the Airport and south of Port Road provides the opportunity through creative linkages for a strategic employment site drawing benefits from its designation as an Enterprise Zone as well as its proximity to the motorway network. Development of the site will encourage inward investment and consolidate the role of the Vale of Glamorgan within the Capital Region. The development will complement the Welsh Governments Aerospace Business Park at St. Athan. The land has the potential to fulfil the characteristics of a strategic employment site capable of accommodating the next generation of business environment. The challenge was also to deliver through masterplanning and creative linkages a significant extension to Porthkerry Country Park (approximately 47 hectares) to the south, an already well-used regional tourist attraction.
Our team supported the delivery of a masterplan, design brief and design and access statement prepared on behalf of the client to accompany the outline planning application. We also provided a range of baseline consultancy services that feed into the master planning process including town planning, ecology, archaeology, flood risk, transport, landscape and visual assessment, transport and ground contamination studies.
The master planning document intended to inform and demonstrate the design principles behind the proposals and establish the parameters for development to help inform any future reserved matters applications. The planning application was submitted Summer 2019.