Offshore wind energy of New York environmental assessment (EA) for BOEM
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) serves as the lead Federal agency for authorization and oversight of proposed offshore alternative energy facilities. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires BOEM to prepare environmental assessments (EA) or impact statements to ensure review of natural, physical, and socioeconomic impacts associated with alternative energy activities. RPS contributed to the EA for commercial lease issuance and site assessment activities in the Wind Energy Area offshore of New York.
Key Details
Project Name
Environmental Assessment Offshore New York for BOEM Commercial Alternative Energy Lease Issuance and Site Assessment Activities on the Atlantic OCS
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
- Renewables
New York Bight, USA
Services Provided
- NEPA support
- Marine biology
- Water quality
- Environmental impact assessment
- Literature review and desktop analysis
The US wind energy industry is young, and development involves unique challenges. It is vital to understand potential effects of wind development while the industry is still relatively new. The proposed actions analyzed in this EA were the site assessment surveys and related potential impacts needed to assess the wind energy resources within the WEA offshore New York and determine which areas are suitable for commercial-scale wind energy.

RPS drew from decades of experience supporting the offshore oil and gas industry, as well as federal, state, and academic research to understand some of the potential effects of wind energy in the New York Bight. Our scientists conducted a thorough literature review to characterize the baseline conditions of marine resources. We completed sections of the EA relating to water quality, marine biological resources, coastal habitats, and commercial and recreational fisheries.
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