CFRAM Programme
RPS was appointed as consultant for four of Ireland’s six district-level CFRAM (catchment flood risk assessment management) Studies (namely the Eastern, South Eastern, North Western and Neagh Bann studies). The CFRAM Programme was developed to meet the requirements of the EU Floods Directive and national flood policy and aims to reduce and manage the risks that floods pose to human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity.
RPS provided the full range of services expected to carry out a large scale catchment flood risk management project.
The CFRAM Programme is central to the medium to long-term strategy for the reduction and management of flood risk in Ireland.
The Programme delivers on core components of the National Flood Policy, adopted in 2004, and on the requirements of the EU ‘Floods’ Directive. The Irish CFRAM programme is being carried out in parallel with similar programmes across the European Union.
The OPW is the lead agency for flood risk management in Ireland and is the national competent authority for the EU Floods Directive. OPW works in close partnership with all Local Authorities in delivering the objectives of the CFRAM Programme.
Implementation of the requirements EU Floods Directive is being coordinated with the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive and the current River Basin Management Plans.
RPS provided the full range of services expected to carry out a large scale catchment flood risk management project. In addition to strong project management, health and safety management and quality assurance, RPS are fulfilling duties across a wide range of disciplines including:
- Data collection and Survey management,
- Flood Defence Asset Condition Assessment,
- Hydrological Assessment,
- Hydraulic Analysis and Mapping
- Flood mapping
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Option Development Process
Production of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) including measures in relation to flood prevention, protection and preparedness taking a sustainable, catchment-based approach to assessing and managing flood risks (both inland and coastal and including Natural Flood Management measures). This is in order to implement the EU Floods Directive as transposed in SI122 of 2010 European Communities (Assessment and Management of Flood Risk) Regs 2010.
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