AMRC Factory 2050
Factory 2050 is the UK’s first fully reconfigurable assembly and component manufacturing facility for collaborative research that is capable of rapidly switching production between different high value components and one-off parts. The landmark circular building, with attached large-scale manufacturing facility, combines a range of technologies that includes advanced robotics, flexible automation, man-machine interfaces, and new programming and training tools.
Key details
Project name
AMRC Factory 2050
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, England
Services provided
- Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Design (MEP)
- Sustainability
- Infrastructure advice
- Project monitoring
Flexibility of this cutting-edge facility was of prime importance to the end user. The technologies and techniques which they utilise are ever changing, and to provide a truly future proofed facility, still fit for purpose in 2050, required innovation in building services provision and distribution.
The buildings fully glazed façade, proved to be a particularly challenging aspect of the design in relation to its compliance with Part L of the Buildings Regulations, BREEAM ‘Very Good’ grading, and the potential for detrimental heat gains and intrusive daylight impacts on some of the client’s equipment.

We provided a number of key services to the project including; mechanical & electrical design, sustainability, site wide infrastructure advice and monitoring of the project during construction.
Our engineers combined a mix of solutions to create a low energy, closely controlled environment, suitable for the client’s ongoing needs. These included the application of Ground Source Heat Pumps, located in an external energy centre, extensive internal floor duct distribution systems alongside high level modular services, low energy displacement ventilation and highly controlled LED lighting.
Our thermal modelling team was able to undertake a vigorous assessment to not only achieve compliance, but to assist in the development of a holistic strategy to facilitate the delivery of the correct environmental requirements.
We ensured that the technical, commercial and installation costs and risks were monitored and controlled throughout the project lifecycle. This included the production of detailed stage reports, specification and tender information and ongoing inspection and monitoring duties to ensure the client’s quality and workmanship requirements were maintained.