Active Leakage Control
The Active Leakage Control (ALC) effort module provides the ability to display and analyse ALC effort undertaken in DMA areas in a clear concise graphical and tabular format alongside other event information, such as leakage work orders and DMA flow data.
Calculation of Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI), Non Revenue Water, real and apparent losses allow up to date monitoring against target levels. Details surrounding unbilled consumption, average pressures and unauthorised consumption can be stored. Reports can be run and ranked to understand which areas require investigation. Charting indicates areas with high ILI or NRW giving a visual view of an entire company. Utilising logger data, meter reading data and base data, a full calculation can be run daily for all areas to understand key performance indicators.
Leakage Calculation
Multiple methodologies of Leakage Calculation are catered for and can be calculated simultaneously (including different night flow minimum methods). Manual and automatic calculation of leakage is provided, and a user can start a calculation and shut the application. Monitoring of the calculation enables users to track progress and review previous runs. Control of which calculation method applies to each navigation tree allows calculation volumes to be controlled.
Leak Size Estimation
Using Minimum Night Flow figures, this module is able to produce an estimated volume for a given leak that has recently been repaired. Estimation methods can be configured to determine the exact method preferred by the user to estimate the size of the leak. Leak Size Estimation figures are stored against imported jobs and job data.
Leakage Calculation - Outside Continuous Monitoring (OSCM)
Functionality that allows for base data to be recorded for areas that are outside of those continuously monitored; this includes property counts and mains lengths. The base data can be used to produce leakage reports for OSCM areas, allowing for consideration to be given to areas not included in DMAs and to contribute to leakage calculations for higher level areas. Trunk main and service reservoir losses can be added to ensure bottom up estimate encompasses all elements.
Leakage Suspension
The Leakage Suspension module allows the user to control automatic, and create manual, suspensions of leakage results. This avoids the need to edit raw sensor data, whilst enabling leakage figures to be calculated in the absence of valid data. An audit trail of reason for suspension and the contribution to any weekly/monthly result at reporting levels is clear. Options to suspend based on missing, zero or outside typical demand limits, and replace with previous values are provided.
NRR Analysis
Calculation of the Natural Rate of Rise in leakage for DMA and higher levels based on UKWIR standard. Interactive calculation and review process enables any anomalous data to be excluded at each stage, with a chart to aid identification of issues. After the bottom up, top down and hybrid stages are complete, a gap filling equation is used for data issues and a final DMA NRRd and NRRt is presented to the user. Reports display summaries of base data, issues and results for WIS and above.
Policy Minimum
Calculation of policy minimum leakage based on historic leakage results and interventions. Automatic process with manual review to exclude outliers/spurious data. DMA base data is utilised to calculate the theoretical background leakage levels based on a UKWIR equation. Reports are provided to aggregate the values to higher levels and also targeting reports to identify areas furthest away from historic levels and/or background levels.